In 2023/2024,
it is
hard to pass the California Private Investigator License Test.

There are 5 versions of the test. Each is more
than 100-120
questions that are beyond the knowledge of most applicants, causing the very high fail rate.

We have helped nearly 3000 persons to pass the California PI license test. Our 17-pound 'super package' was written and compiled by a BSIS-acknowledged Subject Matter Expert.

It was:
BSIS PI license exam
Now bigger!

818 883-6969
PI test help!

There are more than 10,000 licensed PIs in California's 58 counties. One county has about 2500 of them!

Law enforcement people have the hardest time with the CA PI licensing test because it is virtually all civil, not criminal.

We take it even farther. Of the new PIs each year, maybe one out of five of them makes any real money-- we share some secrets about that too!

Nearly 3000 CA PIs have used our material to pass the test!

If you need
your license taking the California PI license exam
we know
some secrets!

Free consultation!

Pass the 2022 California PI
Private Investigator
license exam test
the first time!

Knowing what you need to know to
operate a PI business is what it
takes to pass the PI license test.
That's what our information is.

Pass the CA PI license test

Call for help
with the PI test!
8 18 883-6969

guidance for CA PI license test center

More people fail, than pass, the CA PI license test.

That is because the range of questions exceeds
the experience range of ALL applicants.

Some applicants can't even answer 40 questions of the more than on their test-- and since there are 5 different tests they might get, much study is needed.

Want to find more than 2000 sample private investigator knowledge license test study practice questions variants?

Just click here:
: California PI test help

You'll find info about the
17-pound 'PI Power Package'!

You can call 818-883-6969 for a free information-packed talk about the 2022 investigative profession: from tips to speeding up your application process, through the REAL secrets about the PI license exam, to building a successful PI agency.

And we can help with
your application!

Practice study questions for the California PI license test from

Learn about the powerful group of 4000 PIs:


practice test California Private I license test

Until last year, each test was 150 questions.
Such a high-percentage of PI test-takers
failed that they now lowered the question count!

dont fail the ca pi license test

California private investigator license test help


You can
click HERE to CALL
818 883-6969

or you could
click HERE

California private investigator license test
to send us a TEXT
if you're on
a cell phone

or even
click HERE
to send us

study guide PI exam

PI video #1: The Process

PI video #2: Question Types

California PI
license test
818 883-6969